Wow, folks! Is it really September? And my last post was in May? Well, you won't believe me when I say I've died and come back, but it must be true or I wouldn't be writing it here. :)
How is everyone on this lovely autumn day?
Maybe it's not autumn for you. Maybe you live in the Yukon and it's 20 degrees below zero. Or maybe you live in the Southern Hemisphere and it's spring for you. Doesn't matter, here it's gorgeously cool and the trees are changing color, the birds are singing, the smell of pumpkin candles is in the air...
So a few things have happened with me. Yes, I got my cover figured out, which no one cares about any more since that was May and now it's September (unless you live in some alternate universe and today is actually Luna 5). But a main thing is the hopeful startup of my writer's group!
Basically, me and about 7 or 8 other people (or more) will be posting chapters of our story on a website. We'll all have pen names too! I'm thinking something like "Jennifer Doyle" or something else that is far from my real name. Ideas? I think that pseudonyms are great in that they give people who may or may not know each other and may or may not feel comfortable sharing their precious WIPs with each other.
Another thing is the TV show Sherlock from BBC!!! It is amazing!!! Benedict Cummerbatch is Sherlock and Martin Freeman is Watson. It's really well done but extremely intense. So I've been consumed with Sherlock Holmes stories lately. I've seen movies, read books, seen plays about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's greatest literary heroes.
Anyway, I'm not dead but I do need to get off Pinterest and get outside before it gets too cold to be unbearable. Can't wait for fall!