Okay, I stole this from Jake's blog Teenage Writer, and of course I can't pass up a challenge. So I'm attempting something this huge in 5 minutes, which is all I have until I have to abdicate the computer. Here I go:
1. What’s your word count?
Nothing so far. This is for my soon-to-be NaNo novel.
2. How long until you finish?
We-ll... say the end of November, maybe?
3. If you have finished, how long did it take you?
*see above*
4. Do you have an outline?
Of course!
5. Do you have a plot?
Oh, please. Who plots anyway? I sure don't. Although it is to be admitted that I do let my characters runa away from me.
6. How many words do you typically write a day?
Not including essays/papers/notes/blogging/emails? I'd say... about 10 when I'm in a bad mood, 2500 in a good. (hey, it's happened before.)
7. What was your greatest word count in one day?
Over 2500.
8. What was your least impressive word count in one day?
As in fictional writing? Like, 10. And that's only brainstorming character personalities.
9. What inspired you to write?
Reading. Reading good books. Reading good books by great authors. I think, I want to write like THAT.
10. Does your novel/story have a theme song?Yes. Christmas music.
11. Assign each of your major characters a theme song.
1. Grant. 'Dynamite' Taio Cruz (the clean version)
2. Katherine 'Looking Down' Audiovent
As for Maureen, Hector, and Eugene, I have no clue.
12. Which character is most like you?
Hector. Undoubtably goofy.
13. Which character would you most likely be friends with?
Katherine, but more likely Maureen.
14. Do you have a Gary-Stu or Mary Sue character?
Yes... just to fill in the gaps. I mean they have like one defining characteristic and that's it.
15. Who is your favorite character in your novel?
Eugene. Every chapter he gives you a new excuse for why he doesn't have any eyebrows. I'm not kidding.
16. Have your characters ever done something completely unexpected?
Well, I expected them to, so it's not really unexpected any more, is it?
17. Have you based any of your novel directly on personal experiences?
Of course.
18. Do you believe in plot bunnies?
WHA-- no. Cute little stick men, maybe, but no plot bunnies.
19. Is there magic in your novel/story?
No... more sci-fi-ish.
20. Are any holidays celebrated in your novel/story?
Now that I think of it... I think I'll put in Christmas.
21. Does anyone die?
I think so. I mean, they might come back to life... does that count?
22. How many cups of coffee/tea have you consumed during your writing experience?
I don't drink.
23. What is the latest you have stayed up writing?
24. What is the best line?
When I write it, I'll let you know.
25. What is the worst line?
(Spoken to Justin Beiber) Who are you? JK. See above.
26. Have you dreamed about your novel/story or its characters?
For months! I can't wait for NaNo!
27. Does your novel rely heavily on allegory?
28. Summarize your novel/story in under fifteen words.
Katherine helps Grant play sports. Field blows up. Grant missing. Alien abductors. Bring him home!
29. Do you love all your characters?
I must. Even when it goes against my nature, I must.
30. Have you done something sadistic or cruel to your characters specifically to increase your word count?
Well, only to the good guys.
31. What was the last thing your main character ate?
Guacamole. I'm just kidding. I have no clue.
32. Describe your main character in three words.
Pretty. Christian. Passionate.
33. What would your antagonist dress up as for Halloween?
Justin Bieber. LOL I think he's the only one scarier than the evil guy.
34. Does anyone in your story go to a place of worship?
Yup, a church.
35. How many romantic relationships take place in your novel/story?
36. Are there any explosions in your novel/story?
Why wouldn't there be?
37. Is there an apocalypse in your novel/story?
Maybe. They'll have to live through this to see.
38. Does your novel take place in a post-apocalyptic world?
39. Are there zombies, vampires or werewolves in your novel/story?
That's for hack writers, which, I really hope, I am not.
40. Are there witches, wizards or mythological creatures/figures in your novel/story?
No. Robots, yes. Aliens, yes. Evil burritos... did you think I was going to say yes?!
41. Is anyone reincarnated?
Maybe. >:)
42. Is anyone physically ailed?
43. Is anyone mentally ill?
Possibly. Isn't every antagonist at the core, though?
44. Does anyone have swine flu?
No, but one may have mad cow. If I'm feeling cruel enough.
45. Who has pets in your novel and what are they?
Rabid sheep! And stickdogs. Just kidding. Only rabid sheep.
46. Are there angels, demons, or any religious references/figures in your novel/story?
47. How about political figures?
Well, someone wants to rule the universe... that may count. But other than that, it's a free country. (Ha. Ha.)
48. Is there incessant drinking?
Why would there be?
49. Are there board games? If so, which ones?
Oh yeah! Monopoly and Uno.
50. Are there any dream sequences?
51. Is there humor?
Maybe. If you have a really twisted sense of humor and enjoy watching people die/get attacked by sheep & dying chickens/thrown through a Portal for eternity.
52. Is there tragedy?
Yes, but it has a happy ending. In my terms.
53. Does anyone have a temper tantrum?
54. How many characters end up single at the end of your novel/story?
Everyone. They're not that old, you know.
55. Is anyone in your novel/story adopted?
56. Does anyone in your novel/story wear glasses?
Yes. Hector!
57. Has your novel/story provided insight about your life?
Maybe. I need to analyze it more.
58. Your personality?
A tad... okay, guilty as charged. It has a plethura of what I wish my personality could be.
59. Has your novel/story inspired anyone?
Not yet...
60. How many people have asked to read your novel/story?
I'm sure all the editors in NYC will want it... after I start it, that is.
61. Have you drawn any of your characters?
62. Has anyone drawn your characters for you?
63. Does anyone vomit in your novel/story?
64. Does anyone bleed in your novel/story?
65. Do any of your characters watch TV?
They watch holographs, people. Not TV. That's a thing of the past.
66. What size shoe does your main character wear?
Size 11. I gave her big feet, after me. :)
67. Do any of the characters in your novel/story use a computer?
All the time.
68. How would you react if your novel/story was erased entirely?
Well, if it was done, FREAK. OUT. Then start a new one. If it wasn't anywhere near finished, maybe start it over. It'd be better, for sure.
69. Did you cry at killing off any of your characters?
I might. I'm keeping Kleenexes with me just in case.
70. Did you cheer when killing off one of your characters?
I could, perchance.
71. What advice would you give to a fellow writer?
Read and try to write like the authors.
72. Describe your ending in three words.
Happy. Romantic. Dying chickens. (Oh, wait, that's four.)
73. Are there any love triangles, squares, hexagons, etc.?
A quadrahedran, for sure.
74. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the least stressful, 10 being the most) how does your stress rank?
At what? Writing? When I want to, 1. When I don't want to, 10. Seriously, guys?
75. Was it worth it?
It always is.
Yay! Done! IN YOUR FACE!! I challenge anyone else to attempt THIS bad boy. By the way, I did not finish in 5 minutes. It took way longer. Wayyyyyyy longer. Who cares? :)
By the way, thanks for reading. Have some cake. (This cake is not a lie, it's the truth.)
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