Hello again, world! I have a few thoughts I need to share.
Well, not really need, but I just wanted to let you know...
Currently, I've discovered goodreads.com!! SO SO cool, it's one of my new favorite websites. If you're on goodreads, search for me and add me as a friend: goodreads.com/TheWriteress. If you're not sure what goodreads is, I'm not either. I'm still figuring it out. So go and see!
My fingers are currently stained blue-green because of tie-dying today. Very fun, and now I can't get it off. Fantastic. (And with school tomorrow, too. Although I was able to remove the dye from my face, where it splattered.) My friend says that if you go to public school with dyed hands, they would take it as a sign of a gang and you would get in giant trouble. Who knew, right? Ridiculous.
Currently, I am compiling a list of the best, absolute BEST YA fairy-tale-esque books. (If you didn't already know, this is my favorite genre of books and I read these ALL the time.)
They're listed in no particular order.
Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
The Wide-Awake Princess by E.D. Baker
Princess Academy (#1) by Shannon Hale (are you sensing a theme here?)
A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine
My Fair Godmother (#1) by Janette Rallison
Palace of Mirrors by Margaret Peterson Haddix
The Frog Princess (#1) by E.D. Baker
And currently, that's all for now, folks. At least in the princess-y romantical books. (Disclaimer: I hate, absolutely hate, books that market themselves as "Romance". When I use that term, I use it lightly, and the worst (or in my opinion, best) thing that happens in these books is that the MC and the guy kiss. That's all. I have read a few books that go farther, and I am not promoting books such as those. Thank you, and have a nice day.)
A few more things...
Actually, I forgot what I was going to say. So currently, the gist of this post is 1) add me as a friend on goodreads, and 2) if you're a girl like me read these fairy-tale romanticals. Also, if you have any suggestions, please let me know! I'm always looking for more books to read.
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