Writing has it's pros and cons. (Oh, wow, I just sounded like I'm writing a 5-paragraph essay. Ugh.) I'm a writer; I love to write. You may be wondering why, then, have I titled this post Why Do I Hate To Write?
The reason is simply... because everyone does at one point or another.
Man, this is getting so hard to explain... I love to write. I love the plot when it flows, the characters when they're believable, the dialogue when it's witty. I love the settings that come alive, the descriptions that flow like poetry, the possibility of creating my own world.
I hate the plot when it's sticky. I hate the characters when they're unbelievable. I hate the dialogue when it sounds like something from a Dick-and-Jane book. I hate the settings that make me feel as though I'm blind, the descriptions that overload me from page one, and the limitations in believability.
Does this sound like you?
You see, I said that everyone feels this at one time or another. But that's not strictly true-- there are those select few who enjoy nothing more than tearing up any writing assignment from English. And those who are ignorant to the wonderful worlds you can create through the power of the pen! (Or the power of MicrosoftWord, if you want to be difficult.)
So ENJOY the writing privileges you have. No one, ever, absolutely loves writing. Not Stephen King, not James Patterson, not Stephenie Meyer. They all experience dark days. So take heart! If you're a writer, don't feel bad that you hate the craft sometimes. Just read a good book (unless this will remind you of how bad your writing is), write a few paragraphs, have a good chat with a friend. Then get back into it and remember why, exactly, you're doing this at all.
Why are you? Exactly?
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