Thursday, February 2, 2012

Have you ever pre-read?

...and isn't it such a lovely concept? Pre-reading is like licking the cookie dough spoon because you made the cookies. It's like picking teams first because you were the one that wanted to play dodgeball. It's like... it's like...

Pre-reading The War Horn for Jake!!

According to his epic blog (, if I blog about pre-reading it, I get another copy of my name in the hat. I wonder how many times I can do this... xP

Ha, ha. But anyways, I am inviting any and all to comment about their pre-reading experience. I, personally, have never done it, but I think that The War horn would be a great place to start.

So Jake has given us the fantastic chance of being the ones to pre-read his novel! *sends up a little prayer*

I've gotta go. Deadline is tonight. Pray for me, please, and Jake (that his writing will continue to glorify God the way it has for... um... forever). I'll let us go with a visual aid.

Hmmm, what should it be? A short video clip? A photo? Drawing? Here: to make you laugh. (I frequent this restaurant often. To let you know.)

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